10 Habits of Navy SEALs that we all Should Follow

Navy Seals or any para special forces are trained to be the best and to survive in extreme conditions no matter what. In their training period, they go through a lot of hardships and have to accomplish deadly tasks in order to be a Navy Seal.

However, there are some things that we can take from them and apply in our own lives in order to live a fulfilling life.

1. They Have a Compelling “Why”​

Any time that you talk with a SEAL about how they made it through the grueling training required to get their Trident (BUD/s is just a 6-month filter for actual SEAL training), they all have a compelling “Why”.

For some, it’s patriotism. For others it’s a desire to push themselves or a belief in service and comradery.

Whatever their reason, every elite warrior has a strong “why” pushing them to succeed at such high levels.

2. They Train Their Bodies for War​

You’ll rarely meet an overweight special forces soldier.

Sure there are some exceptions, but every SEAL that I spoke with told me that they train their body for at LEAST 90 minutes a day.

If you are a beast like Jocko Willink, that number is closer to 180 minutes. SEALs know the importance of physical fitness and they train their bodies for war.

They aren’t in the gym doing bicep curls and other vanity exercises. They’re deadlifting 400 lbs. for reps and rucking 5 miles in 40 minutes.

3. They Wake Up Early​

I have yet to meet a Navy SEAL, active or retired who doesn’t wake up early.

Nearly every SEAL that I interviewed told me that they wake up between 4 and 5 a.m. and have a strict morning routine (typically consisting of hard physical activity).

They wake up and pursue their #1 goal with relentless focus. While the rest of the world sleeps, they are striving to meet and achieve their biggest goals.

4. They Have a Definite Purpose​

When they are in the teams, SEALs have a definite purpose to complete the next mission and bring their team home safely.

When they transition back into civilian life, most SEALs pick a ridiculously audacious goal and pursue it with relentless focus.

Some of them start businesses. Some of them become C-level Executives. Some write books. All of them have a definite purpose pushing them forward and keeping them on their toes.

5. They Cultivate Strong Bonds with their Team Mates​

SEALs don’t actually refer to themselves as “SEALs”. They refer to themselves as “Team Guys”. And with good reason.

In BUD/s and SQT (SEAL Qualification Training), recruits are taught that they are only as strong as the man next to them. This carries over into every area of their lives.

You will never meet a group of men who share a stronger bond than elite warriors and special forces soldiers. SEALs know the importance of team work and camaraderie and they cultivate a strong team culture and sense of family in everything that they do.

6. They Take Extreme Responsibility and Ownership​

You’ll never hear a (good) SEAL offset the blame to someone else.

No matter what has happened, every SEAL I’ve ever met takes EXTREME ownership and responsibility for their lives.

They don’t blame others for their failures. They don’t let themselves off the hook. The buck stops with them. They take full responsibility for everything in their lives and as such, they are the ultimate captains of their destiny.

7. They Pay Attention to Details​

SEALs know that the devil is in the details. One missed observation can get a whole unit of men killed.

One misstep means their buddies aren’t coming home. As such, SEALs have a meticulous, almost obsessive attention to detail.

They notice and pay attention to EVERYTHING from the tonality used in a conversation to the number of exits in a restaurant.

8. They Push Their Comfort Zone and Expand Their Capacity​

SEALs are nothing if not overachievers. And this doesn’t end when they leave the teams.

When SEALs return to civilian life, they (almost) always find a new way to expand their comfort zone and push their capacity to the next level.

Whether this is through business, family, or podcasting, they always find ways to get more out of themselves and become better than they were the day before.

9. They Pursue their Goals with Extreme “Violence of Action”​

When a SEAL commits to a goal, they are COMMITTED to that goal. They have a saying in the teams to act with “Extreme Violence of Action”.

What this means is that they either go 110% on something or nothing at all.

If they are firing on a target, they are going to fill that motherf*cker with 10,000 rounds whereas another unit would only fire off 100.

If they are working on a project they will accomplish more in an afternoon than an entire team of men could accomplish in a normal week.

They act with force. They move quickly and decisively and eliminate any obstacles in their way.

10. They Refuse to Quit​

Most importantly, SEALs don’t quit, BUD/s, the pre-qualification training for the SEAL teams, lasts 6 months and has an 80% attrition rate.

This means that for every 100 men who attempt to become Navy SEALs, only 20 pass the first phase of training.

SEAL Qualification Training has a similarly high attrition rate due the technical demands of the training. Most experts estimate that only 2 of every 100 men who attempt SEAL training will actually earn their Tridents.

And the men who do… They simply refuse to quit. Failure is not an option for them. They’d rather die than give up. And that is why they win.

That’s why you know their names and speak about their accomplishments with hushed tones. Because they do not give up.

The answer is written by Andrew Ferebee who was interviewed various Navy SEALs.

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