Major Sudhir Kumar Walia – Legend Of Indian Para SF

Major Sudhir Kumar Walia – Legend Of Indian Para SF

Major Sudhir Kumar Walia is one of the legends of Indian Para Special Forces. Major Sudhir Kumar Walia was among the first officers of dedicated Special Forces. Formed just after the end of Indian Peace Keeping Operation in Sri-Lanka.

Indian Army and Commando Units of Indian Army faced various challenges while operating in Sri Lanka, Indian Army was there to settle the civil unrest. Unfortunately, the operations in Sri-Lanka costed heavily to Indian Army. Indian Army Special Forces lost many soldiers including the Commandos. An overhaul was needed of the strategy, tactics, and weaponry of the commando unit.

After Sri-Lanka, insurgency and militants activity in Kashmir erupted suddenly and Indian Army had to shift their attention towards Kashmir. It proved to be very new and difficult to operate, Indian Army decided to reorganize the commando unit and make specific changes in the training regime of the commando units. The commando units become Special Forces after the probation and army started pumping Special Forces operators into Kashmir. Major Sudhir Kumar Walia was among those officers who cleared the probation and deployed in Kashmir.

Major Sudhir Kumar Walia have done hundreds of covert and overt operations in the valley his bravery was awarded by Ashoka Chakra(Posthumously) and he had Bar to Seva Medal for Bravery. He and his unit 9 Para Special Forces earned their names mainly by covert operations. In Kashmir, the Special Forces operators of Indian Army roamed in militant disguise and started hunting terrorist by looking one of them. This strategy facilitates execution of many militants, their leader and even eliminated several outfits.

Major Sudhir disguise as militant

Major Sudhir Kumar Walia martyred on 29 August 1999, when he was on a uncleared mission in the forest of Haphruda, Northern Kashmir. The team of Major Sudhir Kumar Walia. Major Walia had threaded through the forest the whole night, but the enemy remained elusive. In the morning as he went past a stream, he spotted toothpaste foam by the edge of the water. He knew the terrorists were within striking distance and stealthily caught up with them.

In a daring combat action, he killed nine of the 20 terrorists, but was critically wounded when a bullet ripped through his stomach. He could not move but continued to command his men till they vanquished the enemy.

‘Only after 35 minutes when the fighting stopped he permitted his own evacuation,’ reads the citation in his home. After the fighting stopped Sudhir was taken by a military helicopter to the Army x-ud. “He could not make it,” says his mother, wiping her tears with the dupatta covering her head. “He passed away en route.”For his mother Rajeshwari Devi, Sudhir was the perfect son, a boy who would sleep on the floor and iron her clothes when he was home.

For his mother Rajeshwari Devi, Sudhir was the perfect son, a boy who would sleep on the floor and iron her clothes when he was home. How many sons would do that?

Major Sudhir Kumar Walia is always remembered as one of the greatest soldiers Indian Army ever have, his dedication, patriotism and courage will inspire many to join the army and the soldiers to persue the job of defending the nation.
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